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Scegli il tipo di disabilità dei tuoi studenti

In questo menu puoi selezionare con quale tipo di disabilità vuoi lavorare

Intellectual disabilities practices on arts

Click here to see art practices to work with students with intellectual disabilities

Multiple disabilities practices on arts

Click here to see art practices to work with students with multiple disabilities

Psychosocial disabilities practices on VET

Click here to see VET practices to work with students with psychosocial disabilities

Psychosocial disabilities practices on arts

Click here to see art practices to work with students with psychosocial disabilities

Intellectual disabilities practices on  employability/VET

Click here to see VET practices to work with students with intellectual disabilities

Multiple disabilities practices on VET

Click here to see VET practices to work with students with multiple disabilities

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Questo risultato del progetto è stato prodotto come risultato del progetto "Piattaforma e pratiche di e-educazione per scuole e famiglie con capacità speciali" numero 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-00027905 e la Commissione europea non è responsabile dei contenuti e delle opinioni degli autori


All the materials in this platform are registered by using a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0. The resources are open to use. In this way, we commit ourselves to make educational resources and tools produced in the context of projects funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, such as documents, media, software or other materials, freely available to the public under an open licence. 

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