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Türk aileler - zihinsel engelliler

Public·6 members

Dideas Group
March 1, 2023 · updated the description of the group.

Gruba hoş geldiniz! Diğer üyelerle bağlantı kurabilir, güncellemeler alabilir ve videolar paylaşabilirsiniz.

¡Te damos la bienvenida al grupo! Puedes conectarte con otros miembros, obtener actualizaciones y compartir fotos.


    Gruba hoş geldiniz! Diğer üyelerle bağlantı kurabilir, günce...

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    This Project Result was produced as result of the project "E-ducation platform and practices for specially arts-abled schools and families" number 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-00027905 and the European Comission is not responsible of the contents and opinions of authors


    All the materials in this platform are registered by using a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0. The resources are open to use. In this way, we commit ourselves to make educational resources and tools produced in the context of projects funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, such as documents, media, software or other materials, freely available to the public under an open licence. 

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